Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Small Change, Big Difference - Long Run/Easy Run Zone 1&2 Workout for Treadmill & Outdoor Runners - Try It!

Now that I am on the topic of running workouts, here is another one for you treadmill runners (and outdoor runners) to try! This can either be for your long run days or your zone 1&2 workouts. Just a way to mix up intensities while staying in the right zone!

My Long Run workout from this past Sunday (example - put in your own paces)

1.5 miles warm up - 8.3, 8.7, 9.1, 9.5,.9.9 mph (I always start with a warm up to get the legs moving and blood flowing)
9.7mph - 0.5% incline 2 minutes, 9.7mph - 1% incline 2 minutes
9.8mph - 0.5% incline 2 minutes, 9.8mph - 1% incline 2 minutes
9.9mph - 0.5% incline 2 minutes, 9.9mph - 1% incline 2 minutes
10mph - 0.5% incline 2 minutes, 10mph - 1% incline 2 minutes
(then repeat but laddering down the other direction)
9.9mph - 0.5% incline 2 minutes, 9.9mph - 1% incline 2 minutes
9.8mph - 0.5% incline 2 minutes, 9.8mph - 1% incline 2 minutes
9.7mph - 0.5% incline 2 minutes, 9.7mph - 1% incline 2 minutes
(then repeat with laddering back up)
Total miles - 19.5 miles including warm up

You can do this for however long your run is! I like to be distracted. This is one way I find time to fly when I am running on the treadmill!

If you are outside you could try changing your paces slightly every 2 minutes or so. Just changing your speed can keep you running that much better! Challenge your body by picking up the pace a little bit, then slowing it down to give it a slight recovery.

A small change can make a big difference in the long run :)

Happy Running!

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