Thursday, August 15, 2013

Running and other cardio can be mentally tough - how to break the mental barriers!

Whether you are training for an event or just going for a run, sometimes running can be mentally tough. Then how do you break the barriers? There are a number of ways to keep yourself motivated and running happy.

1. Think positive. Always remember that no matter how tired or negative you may feel before a run, post run you almost ALWAYS feel better. Running gives you endorphins, naturally produced opiates in the brain. The more endorphins you release the better you will feel!

2. Listen to music. It enhances the chemical dopamine in our brain and puts you in a feel good state! Music is linked to our deepest rewards system. By listening to music, it already puts you in a better mental state! So make a playlist and jam out on your next run.

3. Grab a friend or group of people. Run with  a friend or with  a group of people. If you're personally not motivated or mentally into a run, someone else can help get you there! Make it a social fun run. It's a great way to stay in touch and get to know others.

4. Count your steps. Next time you are on a run and start to fatigue or mentally fog, count your steps! Count 1-100 and repeat. It is a great way to take your mind off of it. By distracting yourself and blocking yourself out mentally, you can keep yourself from bringing YOU down.

5. New scenery. Find new places to run. It's always fun to find a new route and adventure. Personally if I lived by the ocean I would run on the beach everyday (future dream). But no matter where you are there are always great routes.

6. Combined #1-5! These are just a couple suggestions on what you can do to make running a little less mentally tough. Personally I do the first 2 steps everyday, but the other 3 I like to do to mix things up a little bit.

Whatever your cardio choice is, there are always ways to make it that much better! Especially on days that can be mentally tough. Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions!

Happy Mentally Free Running :)

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