Tuesday, July 9, 2013

What is Threshold Training?

There are 2 types of threshold training that I will discuss - tempo runs & cruise intervals.

Tempo runs - steady, moderately prolonged runs - nothing more than a steady 20 minute run at T pace

Cruise intervals - a series of repeated runs with a brief recovery between runs - duration varies from 3-15 minutes, with 1 minute of recovery time following each 5 minutes of run time - example - cruise interval miles the rest between runs is usually 1 minute; between 2 mile repeats, a 2 minute rest is appropriate

The proper pace for these runs are your Threshold pace (T pace) - 83-88% of VO2max or 88-92% of your maximum heart rate. T pace training is one of the most productive types of training that a distance runner can do. Training at this pace helps runners avoid overtraining and yields more satisfying workouts and better consistency. With threshold-intensity running the physiological benefit is to improve endurance: the ability to endure a greater and greater intensity of effort for a longer and longer period of time.

This pace is a little faster than a pace that you could maintain for two or more hours (Marathon pace for most people) but slower than the pace you could maintain for 30 minutes (10k race pace for better runners). Threshold running should be "comfortably hard" running.

If you have any questions feel free to message me! Or share some of your threshold workouts!

Happy Running :)

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