Saturday, July 27, 2013

Building the Running Muscle

The cells (fibers) of the running muscle make up the cardiovascular system, to which the heart delivers fuel and O2 and from which CO2 and lactic acid are removed. Easy running does an excellent job of promoting desired results of training. The adaptations that are made include:

1. Increase in the number, size, and distribution of the mitochondria, the site of aerobic metabolism with in the muscle cell
2. Increase in oxidative enzyme activity, improving the rate at which the delivered O2 can be processed
3. Greater perfusion of the exercising muscles with blood vessels, more capillaries become active and distribute blood to the muscle cells

The muscles capacity  for receiving and processing O2 are improved adaptations through training. The muscle also becomes better at conserving stores of glycogen and metabolizing fat for energy along with dealing with lactic acid.

These adaptations are made at speeds associated with 59-74% of your aerobic capacity (65-79% of HRmax). For most people, this is 45-60 seconds per mile slower than their marathon race pace. The benefits of slow, easy running are extremely important.

Happy Easy Running :)

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