Wednesday, November 6, 2013

My Favorite Things About Running

-----My Favorite Things About Running-----
I made a list of all of my favorite things about running & why I love it so much...
1. Post Run Meals & Traditions (Long Runs)
2. Coffee Pre Runs
3. Good Headphones (Ironman Ear Buds)
4. New Music on My Music Player
5. Stepping off the treadmill after a really good run
6. No aches, pains, or clothing burns post run
7. Candy bags & goods pre race nutrition
8. Being Healthy
9. Crossing the finish line of a race - especially after marathons
10. Running in the rain
11. New Running Gear (especially shoes & sports bras)
12. How good my body feels during & after running
13. The people I have met & will meet
14. Injury Free
15. True Passion
16. Free time/Thinking time - my own time to get away
17. Dancing on the treadmill
18. Running on the beach
19. The places I have traveled to
20. New challenges & personal records
21. My Running Blog
22. Stretching in the sauna post run
These are just some of my favorite things about running! Please feel free to share yours!!
Happy Favorite Things About Running :)

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