Sunday, June 22, 2014

Grandmas Marathon 2014

This is a picture the morning of the race right before we left for the Edgewater Hotel to get on the elite bus. 

At the starting line walking to get ready and warm up for the race! About 1 hour to race time!

After my race last year in 2013 where I ran my first sub 2:50 marathon (2:48:54), I didn't think it was possible to have two amazing experiences in back to back years with the Grandmas Marathon. Last year was a really great year for me, taking 8 minutes off of my personal record and 12 minutes from the year prior when I also was struggling with some injuries. With my training struggling over the past couple of months and being very inconsistent (since Get Luck half marathon in March where I placed first place for the women), I was still hoping for a new personal record (PR) and to run as fast as I can from there. I hoped that my training at least maintained my fitness level and being my first marathon in a year I didn't know what to expect. Especially after Chicago this past October and having to drop out of the race due to injury.

Yesterday at the starting line, I found two women to run with right from the beginning. One was her first marathon and the other was her first marathon going for Olympic Trials. We decided to pace around 6:20 minutes per mile and to speed up for the last 5-6 miles if possible. One of the woman had to drop off a little and the other one finished within seconds ahead of me. It was great to run with a group of people and made the race just fly by and way more fun. If you look at my splits, I was paced pretty perfectly for the entire race. I could not be happier with my performance and have never felt this strong after a marathon. The weather conditions were awesome, my tapering went extremely well this year, and I felt confident as ever going into the race. Even though I didn't get the training in that I wanted over the past few months, I am extremely happy with a new PR of 2:47:33 (1:21 off of my PR from last year).

My Race Splits, Pace & Time, and Places through out the race -

Finish Line Video from the race -

My next race will be Twin Cities Marathon October 5th, and it is also the Marathon Championships this year.

For the first time, I am going to have a coach, coach me for the next few months leading into Twin Cities. I know he will get me running faster and to my goal of running under 2:43 for Olympic Trials which is in 2016.

Here is a picture of my coach Boaz and me from Sacramento International Marathon 2012, a year and a half ago...

We actually first met at Twin Cities Marathon in 2011 in the massage tent. It is about time that I let him coach me and help me with my running because I know he will get me to where I want to go with my running career.

Feel free to post comments or email me with any questions!

Also check out my website at

Happy PR Running :)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!!!!

    The second picture is so funny!! It reminds me of a picture of a girl waiting in line first hours before for Justin Bieber concert to start. The determination is just simply unmistakable. I am going to be the first!!

    When you get to L.A., please say hi Brad Pitt for me. "Fight Club" is my all time favorite.
