Thursday, July 3, 2014

Sign Up for a Race or Event & Get Motivated!

What can help get you motivated and keep you motivated? Scheduling and signing up for races for the 2014 season!

First of all, by signing up it makes you start to plan ahead and commit to a training schedule. By knowing which events and when you need to be ready to run, it can help kick your motivation in a positive direction. Instead of feeling like you need to run just to run or to just workout, it jump starts a new way of thinking. It makes training exciting and presents a new challenge to your workout program. 

Check out this website for running events -
Once you find some races you are interested in doing, get others involved! Try to find a training partner or group to also help keep you motivated! Now not only are you making a commitment for yourself, but you are getting others committed too! 

If you need to find a training group, find a local running store. I worked at Running Room and they have running training programs and groups to help you with your running goals.

You can also sign up for a gym membership. Not only do you have access to indoor training, training groups and running coaches, but you are in an environment of people that have similar goals and interests. I also work at Lifetime Fitness where we have many programs and resources to help you out! 

Staying motivated can be easy when you...
1. Make a commitment - sign up for a race or event
2. Have a training program
3. Get others committed
4. Use resources that will keep you on track and committed 

Feel free to contact me with any questions or for additional resources! Also check out my website at

Happy Motivated Running :)

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