Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Nutrition Recommendations for Optimal Nutrition

Good nutrition is the best thing you can do for your body! When it comes to body composition, performance, and just overall health, putting the right things in your body, will keep you and your body happy!

Get a good balance of macronutrients and nutrient dense foods for optimal nutrition!
1.       Each a source of protein with each meal & snack
a.       1 gram of protein per lean body tissue and at minimum up to 1 gram per ideal body weight
b.      For example – Body weight 150lbs, body fat 20% – minimum protein per day = 120 grams (150lbs X 0.20 = 30 – 150-30= 120lbs of lean body tissue)
c.       Get 30-40 grams with each meal (3 meals per day) and 10-15 grams per snack (1-2 times per day) protein recommendations based off of pounds in lean body mass
d.      Helps with maintaining your lean body mass, aiding in recovery and repairing muscle tissue, stabilizes blood sugar and increases energy, and helps maintain or get you to a healthy body composition
e.      Protein sources – red meat (grass fed preferable), fish, chicken, eggs, whey protein (protein supplement) etc.

2.       Intake plenty of leafy greens & limit your starches!
a.       7-9 cups of vegetables each day! It’s hard to overdo it when it comes to vegetables
b.      Strive to get a good sources of vegetables with each meal
c.       Best sources will be cruciferous vegetables – broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts – also spinach and other salad greens
d.      Plenty of fiber to help with digestion and gives your body the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants it needs! Helps aid in detoxication and optimal hormone balance

3.       Eat a source(s) of healthy fats with each meal!
a.       Helps with stabilizing blood sugar and energy levels, a healthy body composition, and numerous other benefits for optimal health!
b.      Eat sources of healthy fats from nuts, seeds, olives & olive oils, fish oils, avocado, coconut oils & products, almond butter and organic peanut butter, organic butter, etc.
c.       Use olive oils for dressings on meats, vegetables, salads, etc and coconut oils for cooking (especially at higher temperatures)

4.       Reduce overall carbohydrate intake
a.       Limit sugars and processed carbohydrates – eliminate from your daily nutrition as much as possible.
b.      Some healthy sources of carbohydrates (besides vegetables) include – quinoa, white rice, sweet potatoes
c.       Limit fruits – 3 vegetables to 1 fruit

5.       Drinking plenty of water!
a.       Divide your body weight in half and drink that in ounces each day!
b.      For example – if you weigh 150lbs, drink at minimum 75 ounces of water per day!
c.       Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go and drink a glass of water right when you wake up in the morning – dehydration is a stressor on your body and can keep your body from performing optimally through out the day.
d.      Limit your caffeine intake - plain coffee 1-2 cups at most per day
e.      Recommendation – add a spoon full of coconut oil to your coffee in the morning if you want some flavor - a good source of healthy fats while increasing energy levels through stabilizing blood sugar
These are my nutrition recommendations to get you on track to optimal nutrition! My other recommendation would to use supplementation to cover any other the nutrients that may be lacking in your nutrition!
The supplements I recommend include - A Daily Multivitamin, Cal/Mag, Fish Oil, Probiotic, and Whey Protein (if protein intake is inadequate).
Please check out my website at
Happy Optimal Running! :)

Monday, July 28, 2014

Stretching - When Is The Best Time To Stretch?

Stretching can be a good or bad thing for your body depending on the timing of your stretching and the purpose for stretching for particular parts of your body. I have recently been asked the questions, when is the best time to stretch? Here is my short but hopefully helpful answer!

1. After a good warm up! After warming your body up for about 8-12 minutes (a light sweat) you can stretch immediately after. If you stretch prior to warming up it can cause injury and minimize the effects of the stretch. By warming up it raises the temperature of your body to the point where your muscles are warmed up and relaxed enough to stretch. Hold for a minimum 30 seconds up to 1 minute. Only stretch the muscles that need to be stretch for your particular activity. Any muscle that is restricting your body's range of motion, causing pain, and causing any muscle imbalance through out your body.

2. Prior to going to bed! When you stretch before bed, your muscle is able to hold the lengthened state, giving you the most of your time stretching. Your body does most of its tissue healing at night, so if you stretch prior to bed, it will heal in a lengthen state and help to balance your body.

Feel free to post any questions or comments!

Please check out my website at

Happy Balanced Running! :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Greek Quinoa Salad - New Favorite Recipe

I have a new favorite recipe that I came up with using quinoa. It is a greek style quinoa salad and it really easy to make! Here is how and what you need to make it..

White Quinoa Salad - 1/4 cup not cooked (1/2 cup cooked)
Garlic Olive Oil - 1/2 tblsp
Garlic Sea Salt - 1 tsp
Greek Olives - 2 tblsp
Feta Cheese - 1/2 ounce
(One serving - you can always make more!)

How to make it...
1. Cooked the quinoa as directed on the package
2. Once the quinoa is cooked, add in the rest of the ingredients
3. Mix together
4. Enjoy!
Super easy to make and it is healthy for you too!

Here is the nutrition information...
270 Calories
14 Grams of Fat
30 Grams of Carbs (2 grams of sugar)
9 Grams of Protein

Feel free to post any comments or meal/recipe ideas!

Check out my website at !!

Happy Healthy Running! :)

Friday, July 18, 2014

Trail Running - Why Should It Be In Your Current Running Program?

Trail running has many benefits for runners of all distances. It can be a great supplement to anyone’s training! It is not only fun but has a lot of different benefits to enhance running performance (mentally and physically) and reduce running injuries.

1.      Softer Running Surface – Running on a trail provides a much softer running surface than road running. It allows your body to recover by taking some of the wear and tear off of your body while still getting the training that you need.  

2.      Take It Easy & Slow It Down – Trail running slows you down and allows you to train smarter not harder. Many runners tend to take their easy days too hard which can keep their body from fully recovering for their hard training days causing fatigue and leading to possible injuries. Also, not getting the most out of their hard days of running training. The importance of “easy running” is to build the quality of your muscle. It improves the capillary density in your muscle allowing you to bring more blood flow and oxygen into the working muscle and improve your overall running efficiency. It builds a base within your muscle for higher intensity workouts to be performed. It enhances recovery and heals the body from the training stresses that come through training. Remember, sometimes it's ok to take it easy and slow down your run.

3.      Strengthening Other Stabilizing Muscles – When you are running on a trail it changes the muscles you are using while you are running. It takes some of the stress off of your major running muscle groups by using some of the secondary stabilization muscles since you are running on an uneven surface. The stabilizing muscles in your ankles, lower legs, core, and hips.

4.      Improves Your Running Gait  – Your stride on a trail will be different than your stride on the road. The uneven surface of the trail will cause you to shorten your stride and run more on your forefoot than in the heels of your foot. Shortening your stride improves the overall efficiency of your run using less energy with each step. Running on your forefoot is much more efficient and natural to your body’s overall running mechanics.

5.      Mental Training Break – When your training starts to become a mental barrier, trail running can give you the mental break that you need. Not only on your body, but even more importantly the mental drain that can come through long training runs and the hours training. It allows you to just enjoy your run and forget about the timing and pace.

Here is a link to all of the different trails and distances in Minneapolis, MN

Go online and check out the different trail running options in your area! I have introduced trail running into my training program for the last few months and I love it! It is fun, relaxing, and a great change of scenery! It allows you to get the most out of your recovery and running mentally and physically.

Please feel free to post comments or recommend any trails that you enjoy running on! My trail running has mostly been in St. Louis Park so I recommend the Theodore Wirth Park running trails. Also, around Lake Calhoun if you are looking for a 5K distance that is flat and off the pavement on a softer surface (next to the running trail).

Check out my website at! It is linked right to my blog, and if you click under the different tabs at the top, you can check out old postings that you may be interested in reading!
Happy Trail Running! J

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Sign Up for a Race or Event & Get Motivated!

What can help get you motivated and keep you motivated? Scheduling and signing up for races for the 2014 season!

First of all, by signing up it makes you start to plan ahead and commit to a training schedule. By knowing which events and when you need to be ready to run, it can help kick your motivation in a positive direction. Instead of feeling like you need to run just to run or to just workout, it jump starts a new way of thinking. It makes training exciting and presents a new challenge to your workout program. 

Check out this website for running events -
Once you find some races you are interested in doing, get others involved! Try to find a training partner or group to also help keep you motivated! Now not only are you making a commitment for yourself, but you are getting others committed too! 

If you need to find a training group, find a local running store. I worked at Running Room and they have running training programs and groups to help you with your running goals.

You can also sign up for a gym membership. Not only do you have access to indoor training, training groups and running coaches, but you are in an environment of people that have similar goals and interests. I also work at Lifetime Fitness where we have many programs and resources to help you out! 

Staying motivated can be easy when you...
1. Make a commitment - sign up for a race or event
2. Have a training program
3. Get others committed
4. Use resources that will keep you on track and committed 

Feel free to contact me with any questions or for additional resources! Also check out my website at

Happy Motivated Running :)