Monday, December 2, 2013

Maximal Running Speed - How Important is it to Running Performance?

Maximal running speed  is the highest speed that can be sustained for a full out 50-meter sprint! It is a significant predictor of endurance performance. Many runners are unaware of the close relationship between maximal speed and endurance success. Anywhere from a 10K to marathon, maximal running speed will increase running times and success.

How significant can maximal running speed be when competing in an aerobic (use of oxygen) event like a 5K, 10K, half marathon, marathon, and ultra marathon? Maximal running speed from an energy system standpoint, is basically performing at an anaerobic speed (without the use of oxygen - how fast can your body breakdown glucose into lactate without oxygen involvement?).

Looking at traditional anaerobic-aerobic training, it is difficult to understand what is really happening in the body during running performance. Successful running involves much more than the presence of aerobic and anaerobic enzymes in the muscle. What if we just inject a bunch of anaerobic enzymes into the runners leg? That would improve performance right?

Unfortunately, the nervous system's role as director of speed development is independent of energy producing systems in the muscle fibers.

Maximal speed improves as the nervous system learns to...
1. Coordinate the muscles in ways that promote a faster stride rates
2. Shorter contact times with the ground per step
3. Quicker generation of substantial propulsive forces

**These factors are extremely important for competitive endurance running**
To develop the ability to run faster while increasing the capacity to sustain higher speeds over extended periods of time is a key goal for endurance runners.
-How can you improve maximal speed?
-By increasing stride rate & stride length
-3 Ways To Increase Stride Rate -
1. Emphasize high speed running - run at maximal speed - 50-300 meter sprints
2. Carry Out Explosive Drills - require feet on and off the ground as fast of possible - as specific to running gait as possible
3. Emphasize Agility & Coordination Training - reduces the requirement to stabilize the leg & body when the foot makes contact with the ground
-3 Ways To Increase Stride Length-
1. Carry Out Running Specific Strengthening Movements - these movements should mimic running mechanics with increased resistance
2. Hill Training - the most specific form of strength training for running
3. Develop Agility & Coordination - optimal amount of the leg-muscle force can be used for propulsion
The endurance runner that has an optimized maximal running speed has a huge benefit over other competitive runners who have lacked this type of training! Train smarter & harder while increasing your maximal speed running performance!
Feel free to post comments or email me!
Happy Maximal Speed Running :)

1 comment:

  1. Meghan, thanks for passing on the info about your blog. A great sight.
