Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Hill Training & How I am supplementing it into my program

Hill training is highly beneficial for anyone's running program. The benefits include the following...

1. Enhances running economy
2. Lift lactate-threshold velocity
3. Improve resistance to fatigue
4. Increase maximal running speed
5. Increase VO2max &vVO2max
6. Protect against soreness & injury
7. Prepare runners to compete on hilly race courses
8. Prepare runners to run faster on flatter courses

Knowing the benefits of hill training, it is an important part of your running program, but how do you supplement it in?? Here is how I currently supplement it into my weekly workouts. Of course you can change the incline, speed, duration, and number of the intervals, but this is currently what pushes me to exhaustion on my speed workouts.

Speed Workout (6 miles of work)
Warm Up - 1-1.5 miles
20 X 0.30 mile repeats (total work 1:40-2:00 per interval)
3 @ 9.7 mph 3% incline
3 @ 9.8 mph 3% incline
3 @ 9.9 mph 3% incline
3 @ 10 mph 3% incline
3 @ 10.1 mph 3% incline
3 @ 10.2 mph 3% incline
2 @ 10.3 mph 3% incline
Recovery - between each interval I rest on the treadmill for 0.10 mile (30-35 seconds average)
Cool Down - 0.5-1 mile

By the time I get through my 8th interval, my heart rate exceeds my zone 4 heart rate for the rest of the workout even during my recovery. My total work above my zone 4 heart rate ends up being over 5 miles out of the 6 miles.

Try this workout by adapting it to your current speed work paces. By gradually increasing the speed, it is not only a good way to keep track of your intervals (20 can be hard to remember as you as going based off the intensity) but also a great way to ease into the workout and end at an absolutely exhausting intensity with great running benefits.

Feel free to comment or email me with any questions!!

Happy Hill Training Running :)

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